• 2024-03-19 - We are proud to announce that a new volume edited by Professors Tania Ionin and Silvina Montrul has just been released!  The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition, Morphosyntax, and Semantics was released on March 11, 2024, published by Routledge.  In addition to editing this volume alongside Roumyana Slabakova, Tania and Silvina contributed to several...
  • 2024-03-07 - The 17th meeting of the Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA-17) conference will take place at the UIUC campus May 2-4, 2024 in the Levis Faculty Center. GASLA-17 is a venue for linguists to present theoretically informed research on second language acquisition. The target audience includes linguists - both faculty and graduate students - from UIUC and other...
  • 2024-03-07 -   The Linguistics graduate students at U of I just hosted the 16th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Language and Linguistics Society! The annual academic conference took place on March 1st – 2nd at the I Hotel & Illinois Conference Center  and attracted over 180 attendees.  Attendees came from all over the world to join us at...
  • 2024-02-06 - We would like to welcome new faculty members for whom Spring is their first semester. Let's meet these new additions to the department! Jonathan Dunn (Associate Professor) Tell us a little bit about yourself I am a computational linguist. To me, that means using computational models to conduct corpus-based experiments. I’ve been working in syntax (e.g., grammar induction,...
  • 2024-02-05 - Congratulations to Xun Yan for being named LAS Alumni Distinguished Professorial Scholar! This is a recognition given to scholars with a particularly outstanding record for their contributions in education and research at the University of Illinois. This five year appointment begins January 2024. Congratulations to Xun!
  • 2024-01-19 - The 2024 (Centennial) Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America took place January 4- January 7 in New York City. The Linguistic Society of America (LSA) was founded in 1924 to advance the scientific study of language and its applications. LSA plays a critical role in supporting and disseminating...
  • 2024-01-01 - Join us for the 16th meeting of the Illinois Language and Linguistics Society! ILLS is a general linguistics conference open to all subfields and aimed primarily at providing graduate and undergraduate students a friendly venue to present their work. The ILLS annual conference is proud to be entirely student-organized and operated by the Linguistics Student Organization at the University of...
  • 2023-12-05 - PhD student Allison Casar has been picked to receive the inaugural COGEL Travel Award to attend the upcoming meeting of the Linguistics Society of America in  New York City this January. The COGEL (Committee on Gender Equity in Linguistics) Travel Awards are intended to increase the participation of gender-diverse student members in LSA meetings. Awardees will get the opportunity to...
  • 2023-12-01 - This semester, many students from the UIUC Linguistics department presented their research at conferences near and far.  Let’s take the time to congratulate each of them for their dedication to their work and their excellent representation of our department! In September, Joshua Dees presented the poster “A structural analysis of Tense in Dholuo”  at the 16th...
  • 2023-11-15 - Congratulations to Britni Moore for receiving two prestigious fellowships for work on her dissertation: Police Recruits and the Discursive Construction of Rape in Sexual Assault Training.   Britni has received the Harry F. Guggenheim Emerging Scholars fellowship, which awards $25,000 to promising researchers in their final year of writing a doctoral dissertation...
  • 2023-11-13 - Martine Gallardo, a PhD student in the Linguistics Department, was recently invited to the University of Chicago to give a talk in the class Bilingualism and Heritage Languages, which was co-taught by Dr. Anastasia Giannakidou and Dr. Zoi Gavriilidou. His talk, entitled Bilingual Knowledge of Resultatives: A Study of Spanish Heritage Speakers, motivated the need for a bilingual approach to...
  • 2023-11-09 - Dr. Eman Saadah was featured in Al-Jazeera news, speaking about her role on the committee for this year's U.S Arabic Debate competition. In this article, she discusses how debating opportunities can enhance language learning....
  • 2023-11-09 - Congratulations to the UIUC Arabic Debate Team for their amazing performance at Qatar Debates' US Debate Championship! This team scored Fourth Place at the national level with team members Shireen Aydogan (Senior, Molecular and Cellular Biology and Arabic), Amina Gurmen (Senior, Education and Arabic), Foziea Garada (Junior, Computer Science), and Hedaya Hassanein (Sophomore, Political...
  • 2023-11-03 - Congratulations to Dr. Xun Yan, on becoming co-editor of the journal Language Testing.  This journal is the premier international journal in language assessment. It is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes original research on foreign, second, additional, and bi-/multi-/trans-lingual...