To meet the department's most compelling needs and greatest opportunities including the recruitment and retention of talented faculty and development of programs specific to the undergraduate and graduate population.
Thank you for supporting Illinois Linguistics. Now more than ever, we depend on alumni and friends of the department for help in funding our existing programs, new initiatives, facilities, faculty research, students' conference travel, and graduate and undergraduate students.
Your gifts, large or small, enable our department to thrive. You’ll be helping to support:
To meet the department's most compelling needs and greatest opportunities including the recruitment and retention of talented faculty and development of programs specific to the undergraduate and graduate population.
If you would like to give to the Bokamba Graduate Support Fund, please click the link below to make your donation online.
If you would like to make a donation to the Bokamba Fund by check, please make the check payable to "University of Illinois Foundation", and please write "Bokamba Fund #111775933" in the memo.
Donations by check must be mailed directly to the University of Illinois Foundation:
University of Illinois Foundation
1305 West Green Street, MC-386
Urbana, IL 61801
See this page for more information on Giving by Mail.
Many companies will match donations. See the University of Illinois Foundation Matching Gifts list for over 7500 companies which will match your gift to Linguistics.
Your gifts, large or small, enable our department to thrive. You’ll be helping to support: