Department of Linguistics

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Read article: Register now for SOSY 2025!
Register now for SOSY 2025!
The 6th Annual Sociolinguistics Symposium (SOSY) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign celebrates a quarter-century of sociolinguistic innovation and inquiry. This milestone symposium, with the theme Expanding Horizons: A Sociolinguistics Beyond...
Read article: José Ignacio Hualde to be Honored with Festschrift in ASJU Journal
José Ignacio Hualde to be Honored with Festschrift in ASJU Journal
José Ignacio Hualde, Professor of Spanish and Linguistics, has been honored with a two-volume festschrift, Hualderen omenaldia ("Hualde's Tribute") The festschrift has been edited by Julen Manterola, Joseba Lakarra, and Gorka Elordieta and was published in the...
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Read article: Join a Linguistics Reading Group this Spring Semester!
Join a Linguistics Reading Group this Spring Semester!
We are excited to welcome back many reading groups this semester!   If you are considering joining a new reading group, please take a look at the groups below, or learn more on our Reading and Discussion...
Read article: PhD Candidate Elizabeth King accepts Faculty Position at Asbury University
PhD Candidate Elizabeth King accepts Faculty Position at Asbury University
We are excited to announce that PhD candidate Elizabeth King accepted a faculty position in the School of Education at Asbury University, a liberal arts college in Kentucky. She will be an Assistant Professor of ESL teaching in their traditional undergraduate P-12 education major, MA program, and...
Read article: SOSY 6 Update and Call for Papers
SOSY 6 Update and Call for Papers
The 6th Annual Sociolinguistics Symposium (SOSY) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign celebrates a quarter-century of sociolinguistic innovation and inquiry. This milestone symposium, with the theme Expanding Horizons: A Sociolinguistics Beyond...
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Walther Glödstaf: Grad Student Spotlight

My current research focuses on understanding the psycholinguistic foundations of L1-attrition and modeling it in communities via agent-based simulations, to understand the importance of variation within and across speaker groups. I have also done research on Finnish syntax and economical and political analyses of European minority language protection policy, and the sociolinguistics of online study abroad communities.

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Sid Bhushan

Sid Bhushan: Undergraduate Spotlight

My favorite thing about linguistics is how versatile of a field it is. Language is everywhere and it's possible to study so many different aspects of it.


Featured Courses Fall 2024

EIL 445 Card

Practical application, research, and theory of second language reading and writing

EIL 445

LING 413 Card

Learn the computational skills necessary to build, validate, and analyze corpora with the goal of exploring linguistic phenomena and testing linguistic theories.6

Ling 591

LING 403 Card

Hands-on learning experience to analyze an unfamiliar language and work to build a language archive

Ling 591

ESL 592 and ESL 593

These advanced ESL courses for visiting scholars enhance professional writing and oral presentation skills in your chosen academic discipline.

ESL 592 and ESL 593