Department of Linguistics

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Read article: Xun Yan recipient of 2024 SAGE/ILTA Best Monograph Award
Xun Yan recipient of 2024 SAGE/ILTA Best Monograph Award
Congratulations to Xun Yan, who was recently announced as the recipient of the 2024 SAGE/ILTA Best Monograph Award for the recent volume: Local Language Testing: Design, Implementation and Development ....
Read article: LAS programs: Greater understanding leading to greater opportunity
LAS programs: Greater understanding leading to greater opportunity
  Wang Cong taught English in China for six years before arriving at the University of Illinois, but when she arrived on campus Cong knew that communicating isn’t just about proper spelling and grammar but also a grasp of the cultural nuances around the language. She still had a lot to learn...
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Read article: Unveiling the Chin-Woo Kim Phonetics Laboratory
Unveiling the Chin-Woo Kim Phonetics Laboratory
This past May, we celebrated the dedication of the Chin-Woo Kim Phonetics Laboratory! This ceremony celebrates the accomplishments of Dr. Chin-Woo Kim in expanding research in Linguistics on UIUC's campus. Dr. Kim first came to...
Read article: Anna Mendoza Receives LEAP Scholar Award
Anna Mendoza Receives LEAP Scholar Award
Congratulations to Dr. Anna Mendoza, on being selected to receive the LEAP (Lincoln Excellence Assistant Professor) Scholar award for 2024-26! The LEAP Award is granted to distinguished early-career faculty at the University of Illinois who demonstrate the highest caliber of academic...
Read article: GASLA-17: A Celebration of SLA Research!
GASLA-17: A Celebration of SLA Research!
The Linguistics Department just hosted the 17th Meeting of the Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA-17)! The biannual academic conference took place on May 2nd – 4th at the Levis Faculty Center and attracted 148...
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Raihan Rahman

Raihan Rahman

​​​​​​​TESL extends beyond English teaching. My MA in TESOL provided a platform to develop skills in scientific language analysis, computer programming, and statistics for language data. It also honed soft skills such as communication, time management, coordination, and professionalism. This program offers a broader perspective on language and teaching.

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Aylin Coşkun Kunduz

At the University of Illinois, I have had the pleasure of working with the experts in the field. I have had guidance at every step of the way from publishing my first article to navigating in the academic job market. The department has been supportive of my work, encouraging me to achieve more.


Featured Courses Fall 2024

Course Logo for Inner Aspect Course

Inner aspect focuses on how predicates denote events: whether they are linguistically coded as complete or incomplete. This course compares examples from English, Spanish, Turkish, Romanian, Hungarian, Russian, Czech, Malagasy, Tagalog, and more!

Ling 591

Gen SLA course card

This course will bring together the theoretically oriented study of second language acquisition (SLA) with classroom and lab-based intervention research about grammar teaching.

Ling 591

Semantics of Non-Declaratives Course Card

Did you ever wonder how a truth-conditional semantic theory could deal with questions, commands, and other sentences that don’t have truth values? Now is your chance to find out!

Ling 591

Course Advertisement EIL 587

This course explores the intersections between language learning, language teaching, and technology. Learn about a variety of TILT tools including Langcaches, Virtual Worlds, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and a lot more!

EIL 587