Students in the Department of Linguistics are very active in presenting their research at many conferences, both nationally and internationally. We are happy to highlight their contributions to the field of linguistics and encourage everyone to attend upcoming student presentations if possible.

If you would like your presentation to be listed on this page, please fill out this form.


Upcoming Presentations

  • Raihan Rahman. From Mundane to Memorable: 5 Ways to Contextualize an ESL Topic Using Talk to be presented at Confluences and Connections: Bridging Industry and Academia in Computer-Assisted Language Learning. May 20 - May 25, 2024. 

  • Raihan Rahman. Code-Free Craft: Empowering Educators to Create Language Learning Games with Construct 3. Workshop to be presented at Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) 2024. May 21 - May 25, 2024. 

  • Saman Jamshidi. From Profanity to Revolution: Rechronotopization of Vulgar Language in Iran’s Protests. Talk to be presented at Sociolinguistics Symposium 25. 24-27 June 2024. 

  • Aylin Coşkun Kunduz & Silvina Montrul. Flexibility of complex syntax after puberty: The case of Turkish-American returnees. Poster to be presented at the Fifteenth Heritage Language Research Institute. June 10-13, 2024.

    Past Presentations



  • Allison Casar. Slur reclamation and metalinguistic discourse among LGBTQ speakers. Talk to be presented at 2024 Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, January 4-7, 2024.

  • Joshua Dees, Katie VanDyne, and Anna Romaniuk. The CΔG and Polish causative/anticausative deadjectival verbs. To be presented at 2024 Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, January 4-7, 2024.

  • Joe Beckwith. Spanish Strong Verbs and Morphomic Theory: A Corpus-based Linguistic Analysis. Talk to be presented at 2024 Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, January 4-7, 2024.

  • Aylin Coşkun Kunduz. Relative clauses in Turkish-American returnees. Talk to be presented at the 48th Annual Penn Linguistics Conference. March 16-17, 2024

  • Elizabeth King. Online teacher-influencers and the marketing of language varieties: A study of Taiwanese Mandarin on Instagram. Talk to be presented at 2024 American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, March 16-19, 2024. 

  • Joshua Dees. Temporal remoteness and the Jespersen Cycle: A diachronic study of temporality in Dholuo. Talk to be presented at The 60th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, April 26-28, 2024. 

  • Aylin Coşkun Kunduz. Heritage language acquisition of evidentiality under maximal input conditions: The case of Turkish-American returnees. Talk to be presented at the 17th Meeting of Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition. May 2-4, 2024. 

  • Joshua Dees. It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday: A diachronic study of temporality in Dholuo. Talk to be presented at The Annual Conference on African Linguistics, May 2-4, 2024. 



  • Joshua Dees. A structural analysis of Tense in Dholuo. Poster to be presented at the 16th conference on Syntax, Phonology, and Language Analysis, Sept 21-23, 2023.

  • Allison Casar. Slur reclamation and metalinguistic discourse among LGBTQ speakers. Poster to be presented at New Ways of Analyzing Variation, October 13-15, 2023. 

  • Mingyue Huo. Constructing a phonetically balanced speech corpus for Mandarin Chinese. Talk to be presented at the 28th Midcontinental Phonetics and Phonology Conference, October 20-21, 2023. 

  • Coşkun Kunduz, A., & Montrul, S. How flexible are grammars past puberty? Evidence from Turkish-American returnees. Talk to be presented at The 48th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD-48), November 2-5, 2023. 

  • Amy Atiles. Antecedent preferences at the syntax-semantics and syntax-discourse interfaces: Testing the Interface Hypothesis with L1-Japanese L2-English speakers. Poster to be presented at The 48th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD-48), November 2-5, 2023. 

  • Joshua Dees, Katie VanDyne, and Anna Romaniuk. For better or for worse: An analysis of allomorphic variation in Polish anticausative verbs. To be presented at the 2023 Western Conference on Linguistics, November 11-12.

  • Britni Moore. The Room of Becoming: Where Recruits Learn to Be Cops presented within Pedagogies of Oppression: Violent Imaginaries and Racialized Visions in Police Training Worlds. Panel to be presented at  2023 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Toronto, Canada. November 15-19, 2023. 

  • Britni Moore. Feminists of Color and The Fight Against Sexual Violence in Illinois. Invited talk to be presented at Black Metropolis Research Consortium (BMRC), University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. December 4, 2023. 


  • Mami G. VeerR into 360 Interactive Videos for Language Learning. Tech showcase presented at CALICO 2023, Jun 6-10.


  • Katherine Kwak. The Use of Folklore: A Case Study in the Korean Language Classroom. Talk presented at The 2023 TESOL / Applied Linguistics Graduate Students Conference, Feb 11.

  • Joshua Dees. To D or not to D: Kannada as an NP language. Poster presented at The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Texas Linguistics Society, Feb 17-18.

  • Mami G. European EFL Teachers´ Pronunciation Teaching Challenges. Talk presented at Illinois Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages - Bilingual Education (ITBE), Feb 24-25.

  • Joshua Dees. Non-uniformity in phonologizing phase heads: Evidence from Kazakh. Poster presented at The 8th Annual Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic, Mar 4-5.

  • Huiying Cai. Triangulating NLP analysis of rater comments and MFRM: An approach to examining rating scale application. Talk presented at American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference, Mar 18-21.

  • Joshua Dees. Kannada through the lens of the NP/DP parameter. Talk presented at The 13th Annual Meeting of (formal) Approaches to South Asian Languages, Mar 31- Apr 2.

  • Joshua Dees. Phonological spell-out of K in Kazakh. Talk presented at The 2023 Purdue Linguistics Symposium, Apr 14-15.

  • Katherine Kwak. Children’s literature as a pedagogical tool in language class. Talk presented at The 26th Annual Conference of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, Apr 21-23.

  • Aylin Coskun Kunduz. Toward understanding the variability in Turkish heritage language children’s acquisition of evidentiality. Talk presented at Heritage Languages at the Crossroads: cultural contexts, individual differences and methodologies (HL@Cross 2023), May 29-30.




  • Giang Le. A Laryngographic Study on the Voice Quality of Northern Vietnamese Tones under the Lombard Effect. Poster to be presented at Interspeech 2022, Sep 18-22.



  • Giang Le. Distortion in Tone Production due to the Lombard Effect. Poster to be presented at 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation (TAI) 2021, Dec 6-9.


  • Giang Le, Shinka Mori & Lane Schwartz. Illinois Japanese <-> English News Translation for WMT 2021. Poster to be presented at The 6th Conference on Machine Translation (WMT 2021), Nov 10-11.


  • Izaro Bedialauneta Txurruka. Perception of Spanish Declarative Questions and Statements by L2 Spanish Speakers. Talk to be presented at Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2021 (HLS 2021), Oct 7-9.


  • Giang Le & Chilin Shih & Yan Tang. Do we change the tone quality spontaneously when speaking in non-ideal conditions? Talk presented at The 26th Annual Mid-Continental Phonetics and Phonology Conference (MidPhon 26), Sep 18.


  • Jennifer Zhang, Izaro Bedialauneta & José Ignacio Hualde. Universal and language specific intonational properties in the perception of interrogativity: Questions vs statements in Markina Basque. Poster presented at the 4th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE), June 21-23.


  • Aylin Coskun Kunduz & Silvina Montrul. The L1 Acquisition of Evidentiality in Turkish: The case of older children. Talk presented at the Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALANA-9), May 7-11.


  • Aylin Coskun Kunduz & Silvina Montrul. The L1 Acquisition of Evidentiality in Turkish: The case of older children. Talk presented at the Conference on Central Asian Languages and Linguistics (ConCALL-4), Apr 9-11.
  • Martine Gallardo. Italian Venire Passives and Event Structure. Talk presented at the Purdue Linguistics Symposium, Apr 10-11.
  • Gorrety Wawire. Discursive Scaling of Blackness in the Narratives of African Immigrant Women in the African Diaspora. Talk presented at the Purdue Linguistics Symposium, Apr 10-11.
  • José Ignacio Hualde & Jennifer Zhang. Lenition and contrastiveness: Word-final stops in Catalan. Talk presented at the 51st Meeting of the Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Apr 29-May 1.
  • Daniel Stelzer. How fast did Cicero speak? The speech rate of Classical Latin verdun its Romance descendants.. Talk presented at the 51st Meeting of the Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Apr 29-May 1.


  • Marco Fonseca. 日本語における音変異:ニューラルネットワークのモデル化 (Modeling Japanese sound variation through neural networks). Talk presented at 第 16 回音韻論フェスタ (Phonology Festa 16), Mar 8-9.
  • Ping-Lin Chuang. Validating the diagnostic potential of a profile-based writing scale: Examination of argument structure and quality. Talk presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Virtual Conference, Mar 20-23.
  • Xinlei (Dee) Chen. A Case Study on Pronunciation Tutoring. Talk presented at the TESOL 2021 Graduate Student Research Forum, Mar 23.


  • Adetutu Fabusoro. Linguistics Landscape (A Pedagogical tool to encourage multilingualism). Talk presented at the ITBE 2021 Annual Convention, Feb 26-27.
  • Giang Le. L1 Vietnamese L2 English Speakers' Cues to the Perception of Stress. Talk presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Language and Linguistics Society (ILLS 13), Feb 26-27.


  • Ander Beristain & Lindsey Graham. The aerodynamics of vowel nasalization in Spanish as a first, second, and heritage language. Talk presented at the 95th Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting, Jan 7-10.
  • Joshua Dees. Dholuo: Evidence of negative raising and sequence of Tense in an article-less language. Poster presented at the 95th Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting, Jan 7-10.
  • Lindsey Graham, Jennifer Zhang, Marissa Barlaz & José Ignacio Hualde. Production and perception of two marginal contrasts in Chicagoland. Poster presented at the 25th Annual Mid-Continental Phonetics and Phonology Conference (MidPhon 25), Jan 30.
  • Shuju Shi, Ryan Shosted & Chilin Shih. Vowel inventories in Mandarin and English and its implication on L1-Mandarin L2-English acquisition. Talk presented at the 25th Annual Mid-Continental Phonetics and Phonology Conference (MidPhon 25), Jan 30.
  • Jennifer Zhang, Izaro Bedialauneta & José Ignacio Hualde. Universal and language specific perception of interrogativity: Questions vs statements in Markina Basque. Talk presented at the 25th Annual Mid-Continental Phonetics and Phonology Conference (MidPhon 25), Jan 30.