Block Reference

Below you can view a list of the current Linguistics course offerings. In addition, the Department of Linguistics hosts a variety of other rubrics, including courses in Arabic, English as an International Language, English as a Second Language, Hindi, Persian, Swahili, Turkish, Wolof, and Zulu.

LING 100 - Intro to Language Science

Introduction to the theory and methodology of general linguistics; includes the various branches and applications of linguistics.

LING 104 - Talking Culture

Same as ANTH 104. See ANTH 104.

LING 110 - Cultural Experiences of the Muslim World

Explores the languages and cultures of the Muslim world through different co-curricular activities. Students will acquire a higher proficiency of the target language and exposure to other languages that are spoken within this region. They will expand their knowledge and gain a better understanding of the target culture as well as of those in the Muslim world. Only offered in conjunction with the Summer Institute for Languages of the Muslim World. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated if SILMW language course varies.

LING 115 - Language and Culture in India

Examines the relationship between language and culture in the multilingual and multicultural context of India. Special topics of focus are: linguistic and cultural diversity in India, impact of the language and cultural contact on the structure and function of languages (convergence, diglossia, code-mixing, pidgins and creoles), language and identity, language of religion, language and gender, language in the media, literature and culture, language and power, language and globalization. Same as HNDI 115 and REL 115.

LING 191 - Freshman Honors Tutorial

Study of selected topics on an individually arranged basis. Open only to honors majors or to Cohn Scholars. May be repeated once. Prerequisite: Consent of departmental honors advisor.

LING 199 - Undergraduate Open Seminar

May be repeated.

LING 210 - Language History

Addresses the question "Why does language change?" Specific topics include: the history and origin of writing; why pronunciation changes; change in vocabulary and what it tells us about change in culture and society; the relation between "language" and "dialect"; multilingualism and its consequences, including Pidgins and Creoles; genetic relationship between languages, with focus on the "Indo-European" family (English, German, French, Russia, Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit, etc.) and the relationships between human languages. Prerequisite: Fulfillment of the foreign language requirement of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

LING 221 - American Sign Language II

Same as SHS 221. See SHS 221.

LING 222 - Language in Globalization

Introduction to the role of language in globalization by examining communication issues concerning language use across cultural, political and geographic boundaries. Explores the interaction of language and other cultural forms in the global context. Among the topics discussed are issues of identity, spread of English and its acculturation to local contexts of use, creativity in language mixing, language in global pop cultures, language in cyberspace, as well as minority language experiences, and loss of indigenous languages.

LING 225 - Language, Mind, and Brain

Introduction to the theory and methodology of psycholinguistics with emphasis on language acquisition and linguistic behavior. Same as PSYC 225.

LING 240 - Language in Human History

Role of language in the life of nations as a tool of communication, as a symbol of identity, and as a means of power. Scripts and orthographies, language planning, culture and language glossopolitics. Prerequisite: Three years of high school foreign language study or fulfillment of the foreign language requirement of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

LING 250 - American Voices: Linguistic Diversity in the US

The United States has a vast and varied linguistic landscape that has been shaped by a unique medley of peoples and cultural practices. From the colonization of North America to contemporary politics and popular culture, language has helped to connect us in many ways, and has also served as a tool for making and maintaining difference. This course explores issues of standardization, language maintenance, linguistic discrimination, identity formation, and many others to consider the ways "diversity" is not only a multiplicity of different histories, beliefs, and practices, but can also become a means of interpersonal prejudice and structural inequity.

LING 270 - Language, Technology & Society

What technologies have humans developed to augment the quintessential human ability: language? We start with the development of writing, the first technology that was specifically designed for language, and trace its history through the invention of printing, and into the digital age. With the advent of computers the relevance of language for technology has broadened significantly. We review technologies such as automatic speech recognition, speech synthesis and automatic translation, and discuss their implications for present and future human-machine interaction. Prerequisite: LING 100 or consent of instructor.

LING 290 - Individual Study

Individual readings and research reports on special topics dealing with the theoretical or applied aspects of the linguistic sciences. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours. Prerequisite: Written consent of instructor.

LING 291 - Linguistics Laboratory Research Experience

Supervised participation in laboratory or other research, usually as an assistant to a senior researcher. May be repeated up to a maximum of 9 hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

LING 300 - Anat & Physiol Spch Mechanism

Same as SHS 300. See SHS 300.

LING 301 - Elements of Syntax

Introduction to concepts and techniques essential for syntactic analysis and description, with special attention to testing analyses and justifying them. Prerequisite: LING 100 or consent of instructor.

LING 302 - Elements of Phonology

Introduces elements of phonological theory and data analysis. Emphasis is placed on both Structuralist and Generative theories, introducing students to the principles of phonological contrast, allophony, neutralization, and markedness. Formal phonological models are considered, including both distinctive feature theory and prosodic theory. Equal emphasis is placed on linguistic data analysis. Prerequisite: LING 100 or consent of instructor.

LING 303 - General Speech Science

Same as SHS 301. See SHS 301.

LING 304 - Elements of Morphology

An introduction to the concepts and methods of morphology, the linguistic study of word formation. We examine the smallest units of word structure--how they are arranged and organized, and how they interact with sentence structures (syntax) and sound patterns (phonology). Students will consider data from many different languages, and investigate how those languages are similar and different in terms of how they form their words. Prerequisite: LING 100.

LING 307 - Elmnts Semantics & Pragmatics

Introduction to the theory of meaning for natural language, including techniques for the description of lexical meaning, compositional determination of phrase and sentence meaning, and pragmatic effects on interpretation in context. Same as PHIL 307. Prerequisite: LING 100 or consent of instructor.

LING 321 - American Sign Language III

Same as SHS 321. See SHS 321.

LING 357 - Intro to Conversation Analysis

Analysis of everyday conversation and talk in institutional settings, including basic organizational features of talk such as turn-taking, sequences of actions, openings and closings, and repair; ways that participants use talk to perform social actions such as complimenting, inviting, arguing, blaming, and apologizing; and ways that talk is used in professional settings such as 911 emergency calls, courtroom interactions, and doctor-patient interviews to perform the work of these social institutions. Same as CMN 357.

LING 391 - Honors Individual Study

Study and research for honors thesis; open only to seniors in the linguistics major who are eligible for departmental distinction. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours. Prerequisite: Written consent of instructor and linguistics course average of 3.4.

LING 400 - Intro to Linguistic Structure

Introduction to the theory and methodology of the science of linguistics with special reference to phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Not intended for undergraduate majors in linguistics. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

LING 401 - Intro to General Phonetics

Introduction to the main branches of general phonetics and phonological theory; emphasis on analysis of non-Western languages and research techniques. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

LING 402 - Tools & Tech Spch & Lang Proc

Introduction to aspects of the tools and methods of studies in speech and natural language processing (NLP), with a focus on programming for NLP and speech applications, statistical methods for data analysis, and tools for displaying and manipulating speech data. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

LING 403 - Introduction to Field Methods

Hands-on (learn-by-doing) practical course in elicitation of linguistic data, and theoretical analysis of that data, from an unfamiliar language. Students will elicit, record, and transcribe data collected in group interviews. The class as a whole will work on a language archive: (i) recordings collected throughout the semester and their transcriptions, (ii) a dictionary with vocabulary translated into English, (iii) the final projects. This course provides advanced undergraduate students with the opportunity to integrate their previous training with this practical experience. Class focus will depend on the experience students have with phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, and semantics. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. May be repeated in separate semesters for up to 6 undergraduate hours or 8 graduate hours, if topics vary or if a new language is in the focus of investigation. Prerequisite: LING 301 and LING 302 or LING 401.

LING 404 - Tutorials in Non-Western Lang

Advanced or intensive language instruction in a selected non-Western language; excludes instruction in East or Southeast Asian languages. 1 to 5 undergraduate hours. 2 to 4 graduate hours. May be repeated with approval. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

LING 406 - Introduction to Computational Linguistics

Introduces the field of natural language processing and computational linguistics. Topics include finite-state methods, parsing, probabilistic methods, machine learning in NLP, computational semantics and applications of NLP technology. The course combines linguistic theory with computational modeling. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: LING 100 or LING 400, and CS 225 or equivalent, and STAT 200 or STAT 212 or STAT 400 or CS 361 or equivalent.

LING 407 - Logic and Linguistic Analysis

Introduction to the theory of logic as applied in linguistic analysis. Same as PHIL 407. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: For undergraduate students: LING 307 or equivalent background with consent of instructor.

LING 410 - Historical Linguistics

Introduction to historical and comparative linguistics with particular attention to theoretical issues. 3 undergraduate hours. 2 or 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: LING 401 (or concurrent registration), and either LING 301 and LING 302, or LING 400.

LING 412 - Lang in African Culture & Soc

Introductory survey of the role of language in African cultures and societies, with particular emphasis on the study of indigenous African linguae francae in multilingual settings, their spread, and use as media of communication in various domains, and as tools of development. Same as AFST 412. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

LING 413 - Corpus Linguistics

Introduction to computational methods for analyzing large natural language corpora. Students will learn the computational skills necessary to build, validate, and analyze corpora with the goal of exploring linguistic phenomena and testing linguistic theories. Corpus linguistics as a field undertakes natural experiments to learn about language using the unelicited production of speakers. This course focuses specifically on computational corpus linguistics, which uses methods from natural language processing to expand the scale of corpus-based experiments. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: LING 100 or LING 400; and LING 402 or equivalent Python experience.

LING 415 - Machine Translation: History and Applications

Explores the 60-year history of using computers to translate human languages, from the 1954 Georgetown experiment to the present. Explores the dominant symbolic and statistical paradigms that have defined machine translation, and the positive and negative dynamics that human translators have experienced when interacting with machine translation systems. Provides hands-on experience with machine translation today. Same as TRST 415. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

LING 416 - Structure of French Language

Same as FR 416. See FR 416.

LING 418 - Language & Minorities in Europe

Same as EURO 418, FR 418, GER 418, ITAL 418, PS 418, SLAV 418, and SPAN 418. See FR 418.

LING 423 - Language Acquisition

Same as MACS 423 and PSYC 423. See PSYC 423.

LING 425 - Intro to Psycholinguistics

Introductory survey of psychological and linguistic approaches to the study of communication. Same as MACS 425. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for both LING 425 and PSYC 425. Prerequisite: An introductory course in linguistics or psychology.

LING 426 - Child & Adult Lang Acquisition

The study of first and second language acquisition by children and adults. Course topics will include the following: first language acquisition, including signed and spoken languages; bilingualism and second language acquisition; the comparison of monolingual and bilingual language development. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: An introductory course in linguistics or psychology.

LING 427 - Language and the Brain

Same as PSYC 427 and SHS 427. See SHS 427.

LING 430 - Intro to East Asian Ling

Introduction to the genetic relation of the Far Eastern languages with other languages; concentration on synchronic analysis of phonology and syntax. Same as EALC 430. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: LING 400; consent of instructor.

LING 438 - Philosophy of Language

Same as PHIL 438. See PHIL 438.

LING 446 - Fundamentals for Speech Signal Processing and Analysis

Provides an elementary introduction to concepts, principles and algorithms of digital signal processing. It focuses on computational implementations of contemporary methodologies in digital signal processing rather than underlying mathematical theories, and therefore requires students to have basic Python or MATLAB programming skills as prerequisite. This course comprises lectures and laboratory sessions, during which students are expected to produce their own computer code aided by ready-made programs to solve practical problems. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: LING 402 or equivalent.

LING 448 - Introductory Machine Learning

Machine learning has been thriving in many areas for both research and industry. It offers solutions to problems that traditional approaches may not be able to deal with or fall short in efficiency. From unsupervised to supervised learning, this course provides a broad understanding of modern machine learning methods and techniques. Knowledge and skills are acquired in solving practical problems in clustering and classification, using techniques such as k-means, Gaussian mixture models, decision trees, support vector machines, and neural networks. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given toward graduation for LING 448 and either CS 441, 442, 446 or 545. Prerequisite: Intermediate-level Python programming skills. Students are expected to know how to use libraries and modules, basic data structures, and the concept of object-oriented programming.

LING 450 - Sociolinguistics I

Introduction to the fundamental concepts, philosophy, and research methods of the study of language in its social contexts. Special attention to language spread, and language variation; language attitudes; language diversity; code-switching; language standardization; and language identity and loyalty. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

LING 462 - Introduction to Romance Linguistics

Same as FR 462, ITAL 435, PORT 435, RMLG 435, and SPAN 435. See SPAN 435.

LING 469 - Structure of Semitic Languages

In-depth survey of comparative issues in Semitic Linguistics, with particular emphasis on morphology, syntax, phonology and language change from the perspectives of current linguistic theories. Same as AFST 469. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: LING 100, LING 400, or consent of instructor.

LING 480 - Intro to Slavic Linguistics

Same as SLAV 480. See SLAV 480.

LING 489 - Theoretical Foundations of SLA

General introduction to second language acquisition (SLA) theory. Examines nativist, interactionist and cognitive approaches to SLA and explores the role of learner characteristics. Instruction in English. Same as FR 481, GER 489, ITAL 489, PORT 489, and SPAN 489. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: An introductory course in linguistics or consent of instructor.

LING 490 - Special Topics in Linguistics

Course provides an opportunity to focus on various subfields of the linguistic sciences, depending on the interests of the faculty and student. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. May be repeated as topic varies to a maximum of 9 undergraduate hours or 12 graduate hours. Students may register for up to two sections in the same term. Prerequisite: LING 100, LING 400, or consent of instructor.

LING 501 - Syntax I

Introduction to the fundamental concepts, philosophy, and methods of syntactic theory. Prerequisite: LING 400 or equivalent.

LING 502 - Phonology I

Examination of language-specific phonological problems with a view toward formulating a language-independent theory of phonology. Prerequisite: LING 401 or consent of instructor.

LING 504 - Practicum

Supervised practical experience in extended linguistic research on individual topics of the student's choice. Concurrent enrollment in at least 2 hours of LING 590 is required. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 4 hours.

LING 506 - Topics in Computational Ling

Provides an introduction to practical problems in computational linguistics in a laboratory setting. At the beginning of the semester, a substantial project will be assigned to the class, and the class will work as a team towards implementing a solution, and evaluating the final product against a test corpus, which will also be developed during the class. Topical readings will also be assigned and will be discussed. Approved for letter or S/U grading. May be repeated in more than one section per term to a maximum of 8 hours, if topics vary; may be repeated in subsequent terms to a maximum of 12 hours, if topics vary. Prerequisite: LING 406, and an introductory level Computer Science programming course, or consent of instructor.

LING 507 - Formal Semantics I

Introduction to formal semantic theory for natural language, with attention to quantification, anaphora, tense, intensionality, and related topics. Same as PHIL 507. Prerequisite: LING 407 or consent of the instructor.

LING 512 - Language and Culture

Same as ANTH 512. See ANTH 512.

LING 514 - Design and Methodology in Linguistic Research

Introduction to a quantitatively oriented approach to research design and methodology in language study, with emphasis on the construction of appropriate research designs for different subfields of linguistics (with a particular focus on designs for research in syntax/semantics and language acquisition / bilingualism). A variety of research methods are covered in detail, including both offline and online methodologies. Term paper required. Prerequisite: LING 400 or equivalent; LING 425, or EIL 489 or consent of instructor.

LING 516 - Field Methods

Analysis of the phonetic, phonological, morphological, and syntactic structure of an undescribed language through the elicitation of data from a native language consultant. The class develops a linguistic sketch of the language, including a computerized lexicon. Prerequisite: LING 501 and LING 502.

LING 518 - Language in Culture II

Same as ANTH 518. See ANTH 518.

LING 520 - Acoustic Phonetics

Explores advanced issues in acoustic theory and digital signal processing in the context of linguistic phonetics and phonological research. Emphasis is placed on the spectral properties of speech sounds and their instrumental documentation. A significant portion of the course will utilize the phonetics laboratory. Prerequisite: LING 401 and LING 502.

LING 522 - Articulatory Phonetics

Explores advanced issues in sound production in the context of linguistic phonetics and phonological research. Three main areas of focus include an overview of vocal tract physiology and anatomy, laboratory/instrumental methodology, and linguistic patterns such as assimilations and coarticulations. Prerequisite: LING 401 or equivalent.

LING 524 - Dev Psycholinguistics

Same as MDIA 524 and PSYC 524. See PSYC 524.

LING 525 - Psycholinguistics

Same as MDIA 525 and PSYC 525. See PSYC 525.

LING 529 - Second Lang Acq & Bilingualism

Research seminar: students will design and execute a research project on second language acquisition and/or bilingualism. Same as PSYC 529. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

LING 541 - Syntax II

Issues in the theory and practice of syntactic description, with special attention to implications for universal grammar. Prerequisite: LING 501 or consent of instructor.

LING 542 - Phonology II

Continuation of LING 502. Prerequisite: LING 502.

LING 547 - Formal Semantics II

A continuation of LING 507 covering advanced topics in formal semantic theory. Same as PHIL 547. Prerequisite: LING 507 or consent of instructor.

LING 550 - Sociolinguistics II

Focus on a critical examination of issues in the theory and practice of sociolinguistics concerning the study of language variation from a cross-linguistic perspective, language diversity, multilingualism, language ideology and power. Prerequisite: LING 450 or equivalent.

LING 551 - Pragmatics

Examination of the major theoretical frameworks in Gricean and post-Gricean pragmatics with an emphasis on theories of implicature, speech acts and im/politeness. Same as PHIL 551. Prerequisite: LING 501 and LING 507, or consent of instructor.

LING 559 - Sem Romance Ling

Same as FR 559, ITAL 559, PORT 559, RMLG 559, and SPAN 557. See SPAN 557.

LING 560 - Seminar in Bilingualism

Research-oriented seminar on theoretical and applied aspects of bilingualism; critical evaluation of linguistic, neurolinguistic, sociolinguistic, and psycholinguistic approaches to bilingualism; and concentration on selected case studies from Western and non-Western societies, especially Asia and Africa. May be repeated if topics vary. Prerequisite: LING 450 or an introductory course in linguistics.

LING 570 - Seminar in Cognitive Science

Same as PSYC 514, ANTH 514, CS 549, EPSY 551, and PHIL 514. See PSYC 514.

LING 575 - Exper Phon I Spch Physiol

Same as SHS 500. See SHS 500.

LING 576 - Exper Phon II Spch Acous Perc

Same as SHS 501. See SHS 501.

LING 582 - Topics in Phonological Theory

Recent developments in the theory of phonology. May be repeated if topics vary. Prerequisite: LING 542 or consent of instructor.

LING 584 - Theories in Second Language Acquisition

Same as CI 584, EALC 584, EPSY 563, FR 584, GER 584, ITAL 584, PORT 584, and SPAN 584. See SPAN 584.

LING 587 - Topics in Sociolinguistics

Discussion of current topics in sociolinguistics that have relevance to contemporary societies. Approved for both letter and S/U grading. May be repeated in more than one section per term to a maximum of 8 hours. May be repeated in subsequent terms to a maximum of 12 hours. Prerequisite: LING 450.

LING 588 - Sem Second Lang Learn

Same as EALC 588, FR 588, GER 588, ITAL 588, PORT 588, and SPAN 588. See SPAN 588.

LING 590 - Special Topics in Linguistics

Individual studies in the areas of linguistics not covered by regular course offerings. May be repeated.

LING 591 - Seminar in Linguistic Analysis

Discussion of advanced topics of current interest. May be repeated with approval. Prerequisite: LING 501 and LING 502.

LING 599 - Thesis Research

Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated.