What degree are you working on? How long have you been studying in this program?
I've been working on a Ph. D. degree in Linguistics since 2019.
What are your research interests and career goals?
My current research focuses on understanding the psycholinguistic foundations of L1-attrition and modeling it in communities via agent-based simulations, to understand the importance of variation within and across speaker groups.
I have also done research on Finnish syntax and economical and political analyses of European minority language protection policy, and the sociolinguistics of online study abroad communities.
My current career goals are to continue my love for research and data analysis in a postdoc or in industry.
What are you working on right now?
Finishing my thesis on the role of psycholinguistic activation in language attrition.
Building an agent-based model for simulations of native language attrition in a multigenerational speech community.
Organizing the UIUC-internal research exchange groups of claSSi (syntax) and SLAB (bilingualism), as well as the Midwest-wide research exchange of MWSSE (also syntax).
Why should someone study Linguistics at Illinois?
I like the interdisciplinary research and very helpful faculty. You learn skills you never expected. And whenever I needed outside expertise, I was always connected to outside faculty that willingly sacrificed their free time to help me. Did I mention the cost of living?
Contact: wag4 AT illinois DOT edu
Published 2/25/2025