Professor Katharine O. Aston passed away in the early morning of May 16. She was 101 years old.
Funeral arrangements are made by Owens Funeral Home, but there will be no visitation.
A memorial service (mass) will be held at 10 am, Friday, May 24, at St. John's Catholic Church (Newman Center), at 604 E. Armory, Champaign IL.
An obituary appears in News-Gazette, Sunday...
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- 2019-04-25 - The Awards and Graduation Celebration for the Department of Linguistics will be held on Wednesday, May 1st from 4 - 6 PM in Room 314A in the Illini Union.
- 2019-04-25 - Congratulations to the students of the Linguistics Department who have received awards this year! Departmental Student Awards Outstanding Undergraduate in Linguistics Award - Grace Moran, Sean Chapman, Aidan San Student Leadership Award - Amy Gorgone, Sarah Clark, Chelsey Norman Silver Jubilee Award for Outstanding TA in Linguistics Courses - Patrick Drackley, Anita...
- 2019-04-04 - The IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing can be accessed here.
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- 2019-01-21 - Last Friday, Dr. Talić gave an invited talk at UChicago, titled "Accentogenic clitics and prosodic clitic incorporation by phase".
- 2019-01-11 - We are happy to announce that Ph.D alumnus Kailen Shantz has received the newly launched biennial Mike Sharwood Smith award for his paper, "Phrase frequency, proficiency and grammaticality interact in non-native processing: Implications for theories of SLA". The Mike Sharwood Smith award is given to the best article published in the journal Second Language Research. SLR is a...
- 2018-12-18 - We are pleased to announce that Eun Hee Kim has successfully defended her dissertation, "Interpretation and Processing of Overt Pronouns in Korean, English, and L2-Acquisition," prepared under the direction of Professors James Yoon and Tania Ionin.
- 2018-12-18 - To make a donation for Professor Eyamba Georges Bokamba's Fund, please follow this link. This fund celebrates the commitment, rigor, tenacity, and visionary leadership of a gifted teacher. People and institutions worldwide have benefited from Professor Eyamba Georges Bokamba's insights and contributions to the fields of...
- 2018-11-27 - We are pleased to announce that Myeong Hyeon Kim has successfully defended her dissertation, "Processing of Canonical and Scrambled Word Orders in Native and Non-native Korean," prepared under the direction of Professors Tania Ionin and James Yoon.
- 2018-11-26 - Tania Ionin's and Ora Matushansky's book 'The Syntax and Semantics of Cardinal-Containing Expressions' has been published by The MIT Press in Linguistic Inquiry Monographs. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/cardinals
- 2018-11-05 - Congratulations to Professor Xun Yan on his designation as a LEAP (Lincoln Excellence Award for Assistant Professors) scholar for 2018-19 academic year. The LEAP award recognizes outstanding assistant professors in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Xun Yan is the second recipient of the award in the department. Darren Tanner (former assistant professor and current adjunct) won the...
- 2018-10-30 - The Second Language and Bilingualism Lab (SLAB) was featured in an article in The Daily Illini. The article interviews the students and faculty who work at SLAB, and describes the research that SLAB has been doing. Check it out!
- 2018-10-04 - Peter Lasersohn's article 'Common Nouns as Variables: Evidence from Conservativity and the Temperature Paradox' has been published in Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21, vol. 2, pp. 731–746.