Dear all,
My warmest wishes to everyone as we are set to begin an exciting new academic year. For those of you joining us for the first time, welcome! And for those who are returning, I hope you had a productive and enjoyable summer.
The following is a list of new students and faculty joining us this year.
1. Guillermo Del Pinal - Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Linguistics
(2015 PhD in Philosophy, Columbia University; Postdoctoral research fellow, Weinberg Institute for Cognitive Science, University of Michigan)
2. Yan Tang - Assistant Professor
(2014 PhD in Applied Linguistics (Computational Speech and Hearing), Universidad del Pais Vasco; Postdoctoral research fellow, The University of Salford)
3. Honaida Ahyad - Lecturer of Translation Studies and Linguistics
(2019 PhD in Linguistics, Stony Brook University)
1. Haitham Albogami (Qassim University, BA in Eng & Translation)
2. Xinlei Chen (Guangdong Univ of Foreign Studies, BA in Teaching Chinese as FL)
3. Tessa Dalton (UIUC, BA in Psychology)
4. Frederick (Rick) Dunn (UIUC, BA in Philosophy)
5. Anita Greenfield (UIUC, PhD student in Ling)
6. Alice Houston (Goshen College, BA in English)
7. Timothy Jang (UIUC, BS in Horticulture)
8. Marianne Jones (Indiana U, BA in Elem Ed)
9. Furkan Sveket Kir (Middle East Tech Univ, BA in Engl Lg Tchg)
10. Sarah Morrow (UIUC, BA in EALC)
11. Karla Sanabria Veaz (Univ of Puerto Rico, BA in Sec Ed of Span)
12. Robert Schroeder (Governors State Univ, BA in Sec Ed)
13. Luciano Vazquez (Eastern Illinois Univ, BA in Span)
14. Mengjia Zeng (Tsinghua Univ, BA in Chem and English)
1. Ping-Lin Chuang (UIUC, MATESL)
2. Joshua Dees (SIU-Carbondale, MA in Ling and TESOL)
3. Martine Gallardo (Univ of Pittsburg, BA in Ling and Italian)
4. Walter Glödstaf (Utrecht Univ, MA in Ling)
5. Muhammad Hasan (UCLA, BA in Ling and Asian Lg)
6. Giang Le (USC, MA in East Asian Lg)
7. Chae Eun Lee (Korea Univ, MA in English)
8. Britni Moore (Arizona State Univ, BA in English)
In other news, Professor Irene Koshik retired from the faculty at the end of May and is now an emeritus faculty member. Jeff Green, visiting assistant professor in psycho/neurolinguistics, will be with us again this year.
Roxana Girju and Tania Ionin have been promoted to Full Professor. Eman Saadah has been promoted to Teaching Associate Professor, and Jin Pennell and Cassandra Rosado have been promoted to Senior Lecturer. Congratulations to all!
The administration of the department remains largely unchanged, except for Roxana stepping down from her position as faculty director of CS-Linguistics. Peter Lasersohn will serve as faculty director for both of our undergraduate majors in the interim. Roxana Girju (Fall) and Tania Ionin (Spring) will be on sabbatical this year. And we welcome back Jonathan Macdonald from a year-long sabbatical in Spain.
I wish you all a productive year and hope to see many of you at the Departmental Welcome Reception on Monday, 9/26/19, 4-530pm. The reception will be held in Lucy Ellis lounge (behind the elevators on the first floor).
James Yoon