Maxine Katz, master’s student in the Department of Religion, has been enrolled in Elementary Hindi (HNDI 201) since Fall 2022. HNDI 201 is part of a comprehensive range of courses for studying Hindi, offered in the Department of Linguistics under the instructorship of Dr. Mithilesh Mishra.
Maxine has recently received a 2023 National Security Program (NSP) David L. Boren Fellowship to study Hindi through the South Asian Flagship Languages Initiative (SAFLI). She will study Intermediate Hindi through the University of Wisconsin, Madison this summer and join the official overseas program in India in Fall 2023.
The Boren Fellowship is a prestigious and generous fellowship and an initiative of the Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO), granting $12,000 to $25,000 in award funding, depending on the duration of participation, for studying languages critical to U.S. national interest.
Congratulations, Maxine, on this incredible achievement!
To learn more about the Hindi Program at UIUC, please follow this link.