The Arabic Minor in Arabic Studies is designed for students interested in developing an expertise in the Arab World as a complement to their disciplinary major. Students who receive an Arabic Studies Minor will have a basic ability to use Standard Arabic as an informed understanding of the issues pertinent to the Arab world and knowledge of Arabic culture and language.
For your Arabic minor, you may to fill out a Minor Declaration Form here.
You may find the link for the Minor Modification Form here.

Why Study Arabic?
Arabic is one of the world’s most important languages and has been named by the US State Department as a critical language. As a result, government funding is available for the study of Arabic. The Arab economy is one of the fastest growing global economies. Arabic is natively spoken by 350 million people and is studied even more widely because of its importance in the Muslim World

Regardless of whether or not students choose to complete our Minor in Arabic Studies there are numerous classes from which students of Arabic can benefit in over six different UIUC departments. Students of Arabic who take classes which examine the Arab World from anthropological, political science and religious studies frameworks will gain a unique perspective of the context in which Arabic is spoken that extends far beyond the classroom.

Completion of the minor requires at least 18 hours in applicable courses.
Language requirement (6 credit hours)
- ARAB 405: Advanced Standard Arabic I
- ARAB 406: Advanced Standard Arabic II
Arabic Culture and Linguistics course requirements (6 credit hours)
Two of the following electives, chosen in consultation with the advisor:
- ARAB 150: Lang & Culture of Arab World
- ARAB 210: Colloquial Arabic I
- ARAB 412: Business Arabic
- A study abroad equivalent (must be approved by the advisor)
Interdisciplinary electives related to the Arab World (6 credit hours)
Two of the following electives, , to be chosen from the following list in consultation with the advisor:
- ARAB 407: Topics Stand Arabic Lang & Lit I
- ARAB 408: Topics Stand Arabic Lang & Lit II
- ARAB 409: Adv Topics Stand Arabic Lang & Lit I
- ARAB 410: Adv Topics Stand Arabic Lang & Lit II
- ARAB 413: Arabic/English Translation
- CWL 205: Islam & West Through Lit
- CWL 481: Topics in Arabic Lit & Culture
- HIST 135: History of Islamic Middle East
- HIST 334: Modern Palestinian History
- HIST 335: Middle East 1556-1914
- HIST 337: Middle East Since World War I
- HIST 438: Egypt since World War I
- PS 347: Gov & Pol of Middle East
- RLST 213: Intro to Islam-ACP
- RLST 214: Intro to Islam
- RLST 223: The Qur’an
- RLST 260: Mystics and Saints in Islam
- RLST 403: Women in Muslim Societies
- RLST 408: Islam & Politics in Mid. East
- RLST 481: Muslim Ethics in Global Age
- RLST 482: Muslim-Christian Interactions
Other Minors
Arabic courses can also be used to satisfy various requirements of other minors across the university campus. The level of study varies by minor. Please click on the links below to learn more about the relevant minors.
Islamic World Studies Minor
Minor in African Studies
Global Studies Minor
Minor in Hindi Studies