

DEILing You In (1990-2008)

Our alumni effort, which began in 1990 under the Directorship of Braj Kachru, was spearheaded by Laura Hahn (1986) and me. At that time, our MATESL program was in the unit called DEIL, Division of English as an International Language. From that acronym we created the name of our newsletter for alumni, DEILing You In (DYI), as documented in the Spring 1990 issue of DYI. It was our intent that the publication would keep MATESL alumni informed of happenings on campus and in the lives of fellow alumni.

Newsletter for Alumni (2010, 2018 - present)

In Fall 2008, DEIL merged with the Department of Linguistics. With the final issue of DYI in Fall 2008, that era in our alumni effort came to an end. A new era began in Spring 2010 with the publication of the the Department of Linguistics Newsletter for Alumni. The Spring 2010 issue of the Newsletter for Alumni took over where DYI left off and allowed us to renew our regular contact with you.

The expanded Department of Linguistics represents a huge diversity of interests and activities, much more than any newsletter can capture in a single issue. Our first issue of Newsletter for Alumni in Spring 2010 served as an overview of its far-reaching scope. Subsequent issues intend to keep you abreast of the newest developments in the Department and in the lives of our alumni.

Past Volunteer Newsletter Editors

From the beginning of DYI, we were fortunate to have the generous help of the following talented editors. They are all MATESL alumni, except for Wayne Dickerson, who served as interim editor during one period. Thanks to them all!

Fall 1990 - Spring 1993

Laura Hahn, founding editor

Fall 1993 - Fall 1994

Portia Williams

Spring 1995 - Spring 1999

Anna Kasten

Fall 1999 - Spring 2000

Jean Czaja

Fall 2000 - Spring 2001

Wayne Dickerson

Fall 2001 - Fall 2008

Patti Watts

Fall 2009 - Spring 2010

Wayne Dickerson