The minor in Sub-Saharan African Languages is designed for students who are interested in developing proficiency in any one of the languages for which there is faculty expertise, as a complement to their disciplinary major. Available African Languages include: Swahili, Wolof and Zulu. Completion of the minor requires at least 18 hours.

Why study Sub-Saharan African Languages?
Sub-Saharan countries are among the fastest growing countries in the world due to the now robust economy. As such, the region continues to see increased global attention as it continues to create much sought-for opportunities for investment, research and cultural experiences. Knowledge of this region positions students for research and jobs that require or recommend cultural understanding of the continent. The minor in Sub-Saharan African languages is designed to meet these needs. The minor takes an interdisciplinary approach to cater for students who are interested in developing diverse knowledge of Sub-Saharan Africa and/or proficiency in any of the African languages offered including Swahili, Wolof and Zulu.
Required Courses
The minor requires at least 18 credit hours - this includes a language requirement (6 hours), an African Linguistics requirement (6 hours) and an African Studies requirement (6 hours).
Language Requirement (6 credit hours)
At least 6 credit hours of advanced African Language courses beyond the second year courses, chosen in consultation with the minor advisor. Available African Languages include: Swahili, Wolof and Zulu. Only one African Language can be chosen to fulfill this requirement.
African Linguistics (6 credit hours)
Six credit hours of Linguistics courses, including one introductory course and 3 hours at the 300- or 400- level in African Linguistics.
General introductory courses
- LING 100: Intro to Language Science
- LING 400: Intro to Linguistic Structure
African Linguistics courses
- LING 412: Language in African Culture & Society
- LING 420: Introduction to African Linguistics
- A similar course at the 300- or 400-level approved by the advisor
African Studies (6 credit hours)
Courses must be selected in consultation with the advisor. One course must be from the list of approved introductory courses, and one from the list of approved courses at the 300- or 400-level. Note that many courses on this list require a prerequisite such as AFST222 or HIST110.
Introductory Courses
- AFST 210: Introduction to Modern African Literature
- AFST 222: Introduction to Modern Africa
- AFST 243: Pan-Africanism
- AFST 267: Memoirs of Africa
- ANTH 266: African Film and Society
- HIST 110: History of Africa
- HIST 211: History of East and Southern Africa
Advanced Courses
- ACE 454: Economic Development of Tropical Africa
- AFST 410: Modern African Fiction
- AFST 484: African Urbanization
- ANTH 448: The Prehistory of Africa
- ANTH 467: Cultures of Africa
- ANTH 468: Religions of Africa
- GEOG 455: Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa
- HIST 410: Decolonization in Africa
- HIST 411: 20th Century Africa Intellectual History
- PS 341: Government and Politics in Africa
- A similar course at the 300- or 400-level approved by the advisor
Contact information
Students interested in pursuing the minor should contact the advisor for the Minor in Sub-Saharan African Languages.
Other Minors Available
Sub-Saharan Language courses can also be used to satisfy various requirements of other minors across the university campus. The level of study varies by minor. Please click on the links below to learn more about the relevant minors.