Arabic constitutes a kind of bridge between Africa and Asia: it is spoken by around 400 million people from Morocco to southern Iran and is one of the official languages of the United Nations. It is also the sacred language of Islam, one of the major world religions, and as such is known all over the world, including Indonesia, India, and Bangladesh, the countries with the largest Muslim populations. Classical Arabic is also the language of an impressive literary tradition and served as the vehicle through which the intellectual achievements of ancient Greece and India were preserved and transmitted to pre-modern Europe. Students at the University of Illinois can also complete a Minor in Arabic Studies.
Arabic has been offered at every SILMW. All of our Arabic instructors are native speakers of the language. For questions specifically about Arabic please contact Dr. Eman Saadah at
Because SILMW is an intensive language institute, each day of class is essential to students' learning. In order to make the most of each day of class, students are required to purchase the textbooks they will need and have them in hand before classes begin on June 16, 2025. Take note of the books listed for your class below. Textbooks are required, dictionaries are strongly recommended.
Elementary Arabic (ARAB 201 & ARAB 202)
Textbook: Purchase at University of Illinois bookstore or online. Note that there are two textbooks, if you are only taking ARAB 202 you only need to purchase the second textbook.
1) Kristen Brustad, Mahmoud Al-Batal, and Abbas Al-Tonsi, Alif Baa: Introduction to Arabic Letters and Sounds, Georgetwon University Press, Third Edition
2) Kristen Brustad, Mahmoud Al-Batal, and Abbas Al-Tonsi, Al-Kitaab fii Ta’allum Al-’Arabiyya: A Textbook for Beginning Arabic, Georgetown University Press, Third Edition
Intermediate Arabic (ARAB 403 & 404)
Textbooks: Purchase at University of Illinois bookstore or online. Note that there are two textbooks. If you are only taking ARAB 404 you are only required to purchase the second textbook.
1) Brustad et al. (2011). Al-Kitaab fii Ta‘allum al-‘Arabiyya: A Textbook for Beginning Arabic, Part I.Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. Second Edition.
2) Brustad et al. (2011). Al-Kitaab fii Ta‘allum al-‘Arabiyya: A Textbook for Beginning Arabic, Part II.Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.Second Edition.
Dictionary: Purchase at University of Illinois bookstore or online.
Baalbaki, Rohi. (1995). Al-Mawrid: A Modern Arabic-English Dictionary. Beirut: Dar El-Ilm Lilmalayin. 7th edition.
Advanced Arabic (ARAB 405 & ARAB 406)
Textbook: Purchase at University of Illinois bookstore or online.
Brustad et al. (2006). Al-Kitaab fii Ta‘allum al-‘Arabiyya: A Textbook for Arabic, Part II. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. Second Edition.
Fourth Year Arabic (ARAB 407 & ARAB 408)
All materials will be provided by instructor.