We are happy to share the good news about the publication of a co-authored book by Professors Tania Ionin and Silvina Montrul, Second Language Acquisition: Introducing Intervention Research (Cambridge University Press).

The book charts new territory in SLA and establishes a bridge between the SLA research we are renowned for (theoretical) with practical challenges in the classroom, thereby cementing our department’s reputation as the go-to destination for SLA research in the world.


Description from Cambridge University Press:

"Based on classic and cutting-edge research, this textbook shows how grammatical phenomena can best be taught to second language and bilingual learners. Bringing together second language research, linguistics, pedagogical grammar, and language teaching, it demonstrates how linguistic theory and second language acquisition findings optimize classroom intervention research. The book assumes a generative approach but covers intervention studies from a variety of theoretical perspectives. Each chapter describes relevant linguistic structures, discusses core challenges, summarizes research findings, and concludes with classroom and lab-based intervention studies. The authors provide tools to help to design linguistically informed intervention studies, including discussion questions, application questions, case studies, and sample interventions. Online resources feature lecture slides and intervention materials, with data analysis exercises, ensuring the content is clear and ready to use. Requiring no more than a basic course in linguistics, the material serves advanced undergraduates and first-year graduate students studying applied linguistics, education, or language teaching."