2019-20 Department of Linguistics Student Award Winners
1. Outstanding UG student award: Kari Schwink, Daniel Stelzer
2. CWKim research award in Linguistics: Sea Hee (Sarah) Choi, Taraneh Sanei
This award was made possible through the generous contribution of Professor Emeritus Chin-Woo Kim to recognize outstanding research of graduate students. Sarah Choi was chosen this year because of her strong research in SLA and in psycholinguistics, which includes presentations at top conferences, several book chapters and proceedings, and two articles in top journals as second author, plus a first-authored paper published in Second Language Research, and another first-authored paper under revision forApplied Psycholinguistics, both top journals in SLA.
Taraneh Sanei has presented at two major conferences, American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) and Georgetown University Roundtable (GURT). She has a book chapter that appeared late last year. One of her forthcoming papers has been accepted (with minor revisions) in the premier journal in Sociolinguistics, Language in Society.
3. Silver Jubilee award for outstanding TA in Linguistics: Taranei Sanei
Taraneh has been the instructor of record for LING 111, and for three straight semesters she has appeared on list of teachers ranked as excellent for the course.
4. Heny R. Kahane award for outstanding TA in Non-western languages: Gorrety Wawire
This is an award to recognize outstanding teaching in the Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL) program, named after the founder of the Department, Henry R. Kahane. Gorrety’s nomination highlights the fact that she has been on list of teachers ranked excellent on multiple occasions over the two and a half years teaching of Swahili and recognizes her willingness to step up to help the program whenever needed.
5. Student leadership award: Shinka Mori (LOL president), Allison Casar (LSO president), Sarah Clark (SOSY chair), Chelsey Norman, Gorrety Wawire (ILLS co-chairs)
The student leadership awards recognize the contributions of the undergraduate (LOL) and graduate (LSO) student organizations, as well as the program chairs of the two annual student-led conferences, ILLS and SOSY.
6. Mary A. Hussey Award for Excellence in ESL Teaching: Brenna Williams
This is an award given to a graduating TA in the ESL Service Courses who has shown excellence in teaching as well as many of the following factors: materials preparation, syllabus design, test creation and administration, innovative learning experiences, collegiality and helpfulness to peers. This award is decided by the ESL Service Courses supervisors and is named in honor of the first person to offer ESL courses on campus.
7. Peter Strevens Award for Academic Excellence: Hannah Butler-Auld
This is an award given to a graduating MATESL student who has a 4.0 GPA going into the last semester before graduation and who, in other ways, has distinguished themselves in an academic manner. This award is decided by the majority of MATESL faculty and is named in honor of Peter Strevens, a dear friend and visiting scholar of the MATESL program.
8. Katharine O. Aston Award for Outstanding Masters Thesis: Arzu Avci
This is an award given to a graduating MATESL student who has completed a thesis project that shows excellence in research design, data analysis, and clarity of writing. The award is decided by the majority of MATESL faculty and is named in honor of Kathy Aston, who was the first director of the MATESL program.
9. Peter Strevens Award for Excellence in Teaching in the IEI:Hillary Veitch
This is an award given to a graduating MATESL TA in the IEI who has distinguished themselves not only by superb teaching, but also by excellence in a number of other related activities, such as materials development, special innovations, and by a spirit of helpfulness to colleagues. This award is decided by the IEI faculty.
10. Other prestigious awards won by students
Sarah Clark
Graduate Student Paper Award,
Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society 2019 Conference
Aylin Coskun Kunduz
Conference Travel Award, SLATE
CelCAR Student Travel Stipend Award
Amy Gorgone
FLAS fellowship in Japanese
Yan Sun
IPA Student Award for ICPhS-2019
Anna Tsiola
Academic Scholarship, Hellenic Link Midwest
Dissertation Travel Grant, Graduate College
Dissertation Research Grant, SLATE
Conference Travel Award, SLATE
Mien-Jen Wu
NSF doctoral dissertation research improvement grant
Study Abroad Scholarship by Ministry of Education Taiwan