This checklist is to be printed or saved, and then kept current by the Student and Thesis Director.



GPA:                                                                            Semester Thesis Initiated:                            


Semesters in Residence:                                          Units completed (credits): 


NOTE:  There is no ‘ideal’ timeline for working on a thesis. It is something you should always talk about with the Chair of your Committee.  The timeline below is one that Dr. Sadler has used before, so it may serve as ‘one’ possible model!.  One thing that is NOT on this calendar, but that we HIGHLY recommend, is that you schedule regular meetings with your Thesis Chair to keep you on track!


Tentative Thesis Title:

Thesis Chair:

Other Committee Members (you must have at least one other than the Chair):



Approach possible Thesis Chair

Spring 1 (if you want to graduate in 2 years) or Fall 2 (with Committee Permission if you plan on taking 3 years)


Approach additional Committee member(s)

As soon as possible


Informal Proposal

During Spring 1 or Spr 2 (with Committee Permission if you take 3 years)



Institutional Review Board approval required before ANY research involving humans.  Usually worked on simultaneously with Formal Proposal.


Formal Proposal

During summer, either between years 1-2 or (with permission) years 2-3.


Register for EIL 599

You MUST take 599 credit at least once while working on your thesis.  Can be taken for up to 8 credits.


Complete your Research

Summer 1/Fall 2 or Summer2/Fall 3 (with Committee Permission)


Write chapters

Fall 2 and Spring 2 or Fall 3 and Spring 3


Apply for Graduation

See Grad College Calendar for Deadlines (check EARLY)


Send Title page to Grad Thesis office

AT LEAST a couple months before defending (see Thesis office website


Give chapters to Committee for feedback

As you progress.  DO NOT wait on this.  We strongly suggest scheduling dates when you will send each chapter of your thesis to your committee.  This will help to keep you on schedule.


Schedule Thesis defense

At LEAST 1-2 months before thesis defense date (see below).

Arrange date with Committee (after approval from Chair) then contact Robb Larson


Give “final” draft of thesis to committee

AT LEAST 2 weeks before your defense (see below).  You MUST negotiate this with your committee.  Some members may need more time.


Title, Abstract to Chair

AT LEAST one week before Defense.  Chair sends to listserv for publicity.


Thesis Defense

AT LEAST 3 weeks before the Thesis Deposit Deadline (see below)


Remind Thesis Advisor to approve format check

Immediately after any final revisions (see below re format check)


Format Check with SLCL Grad Students Services

3070 FLB, Robb Larson must have FINAL version of thesis at least 2 weeks before deposit deadline (see below).  She will let Grad College know you are ready for their final check (see below)




Deposit Thesis with Grad Service

Check Grad College Calendar for “Last Day to Deposit Master’s Thesis” for semester you wish to graduate.  You MUST deposit this at least a week before deadline so they can do final format check.  



Detailed information about the MATESL Thesis

Grad College Calendar

Grad College Thesis Office Website:


Other Requirements:

You must do ONE of the following:


Present your work at a conference*:




Submit your work to be presented at a conference:




Submit your work for publication:




* Keep in mind that some conferences like TESOL had a deadline for submitting abstracts that is up to 10 months before the actual conference!