Contact Information
707 S. Mathews Ave. | MC-168
Urbana, IL 61801
My research broadly focuses on speaking and writing assessment. My specific research interests include scale development and validation, rater behavior and training, psycholinguistic approach to language testing, assessment literacy for language teachers, and test score use in educational settings. In most of my research, I employ a largely linguistic approach to examining characteristics of speaking and writing performances, to help better understand the construct of language proficiency, psychometric qualities of test scores, and validity and fairness evidences for language tests.
At UIUC, I direct the English Placement Test (EPT), the Oral English Assessment Interview (OEAI), and the undergraduate program in Linguistics + TESL. I am also the faculty advisor for our student-led Language Testing Research Group.
If you are a student interested in studying language testing at Illinois, feel free to send me an email!
Research Interests
Language testing and assessment
English for academic purposes
Educational measurement
Quantitative research methods
Research Description
My research broadly focuses on speaking and writing assessment. My specific research interests include scale development and validation, rater behavior and training, assessment literacy for language teachers, and test score use in educational settings.
Ph.D., English (Second Language Studies), Purdue University, 2015
M.A., TESOL, Ohio State University, 2009
B.A., English, Wuhan University, China, 2008
2015-2016, SPAAN Research Grant, CaMLA (with Shelley Staples, University of Arizona); Project: Investigating lexico-grammatical complexity as construct validity evidence for the ECPE writing tasks: A multidimensional analysis.
2016-2018, British Council Aptis Assessment Research Grant (with Ha Ram Kim, UIUC, and Ji Young Kim, UCLA); Project: Complexity, accuracy and fluency features of speaking performances on Aptis across different CEFR levels.
2019-2021, IELTS Research Grant, British Council / IDP: IELTS, Australia (with Shelley Staples, University of Arizona); Project: Investigating the cognitive and social aspects of IELTS speaking performances across proficiency levels: Comparing the CAF-based and register-linguistics- based analyses.
2020-2021, Duolingo Research Grant (with Okim Kang, Ron Thomson, Talia Isaacs); Project: Fairness of using different accents in Duolingo listening tasks.
2020-2022, National Institutes of Health, NICHD. NIH R03HD099491 (with Silvina Montrul, Jessica Montag, Kiel Christianson, Pamela Hadley); Project: Validating New Measures of Later Language Development with Spanish and English Monolinguals and Bilinguals.
2023-2024, Language Training and Testing Center (with Huiying Cai, Ping-Lin Chuang, Yulin Pan, and Mingyue Huo). What makes listening comprehension difficult?: A technology-enhanced approach to examining the psychometric quality and construct validity of GEPT listening test.
2023-2025, Educational Testing Service (with Rurik Tywoniw). Examining the use of TOEFL tests for higher admissions in US universities.
2025-2026, Language Training and Testing Center (with Yan Tang, Huiying Cai, and Ping-Lin Chuang). Development of Feature-based AI-assisted Scoring System for BESTEP’s Integrated Writing Tasks.
Courses Taught
EIL 411: Introduction to TESOL Methods
EIL 460: Principles of Language Testing
EIL 587: Current Issues in Language Testing
LING 489: Theoretical Foundation of Second Language Acquisition
LING 588: Rasch Measurement Theory
LING 588: Quantitative Research Methods
Additional Campus Affiliations
Affiliated Faculty, Associate Professor - Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education
Affiliated Faculty, Associate Professor - Educational Psychology
Part-time Faculty, Associate Professor - Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
Affiliated Faculty, Associate Professor - Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies
Affiliated Faculty, Associate Professor - European Union Center
Affiliated Faculty, Associate Professor - Center for Social & Behavioral Science
Highlighted Publications
Yan, X., Dimova, S., & Ginther, A. (2023). Local language testing: Practice across contexts. Springer.
Divoma, S., Yan, X., & Ginther, A. (2020). Local Language Testing: Design, Implementation, and Development. Routledge.
Giraldo, F., & Yan, X. (under contract). Fostering Language Assessment Literacy: Materials, Methods, and Emerging Issues. Routledge.
Journal Articles
Yan, X., Lei, Y., & Pan, Y. (in press). Diving Deep Into the Relationship Between Speech Fluency and Second Language Proficiency: A Meta‐Analysis. Language Learning.
Kang, O., Kostromitina, M., Yan., X., Thomson, R., & Isaacs, T. (in press). Test-takers Attitudes Towards a Varieties of Accents in Listening Tasks of the Duolingo English Test. Language Assessment Quarterly.
Yan, X., Lei, Y., & Shih, C. (2024). Are textbooks authentic from a developmental perspective? A corpus analysis of word use in Chinese textbooks in US universities. Applied Linguistics, 45(5), 849-872.
Yan, X., Chuang, P. L., & Zhang, C. (2024). Economic return of English language proficiency: Does English language proficiency predict employee income in China? Studies in Language Assessment, 13(1), 108.
Cai, H., & Yan, X. (2024). Triangulating natural language processing (NLP)-based analysis of rater comments and many-facet Rasch measurement (MFRM): An innovative approach to investigating raters’ application of rating scales in writing assessment. Language Testing, 41(2), 384-411.
Cai, H., & Yan, X. (2024). Examining the direct and indirect impacts of verbatim source use on linguistic complexity in integrated argumentative writing assessment. Assessing Writing, 61, 100868. [Editor's Choice Pick]
Kang, O., Yan, X., Kostromitina, M., Thomson, R., & Isaacs, T. (2024). Fairness of using different English accents: The effect of shared L1s in listening tasks of the Duolingo English test. Language Testing, 41(2), 263-289.
Zou, S., Yan., X., & Fan, J. (2024). Establishing analytic score profiles for large-scale EFL writing assessment: The case of the CET-4 Writing Test. Assessing Writing, 60, 100826.
Yan, X., & Lin, J. (2023). Chinese character matters!: An examination of linguistic accuracy in writing performances on the HSK test. Assessing Writing, 57, 100767.
Yan, X., & Chuang, P. L. (2023). How do raters learn to rate? Many-facet Rasch modeling of rater performance over the course of a rater certification program. Language Testing, 40(1), 153-179.
Chuang, P. L., & Yan, X. (2023). Connecting source use and argumentation in L2 integrated argumentative writing performance. Journal of Second Language Writing, 60, 101003.
Voss, E., Cushing, S. T., Ockey, G. J., & Yan, X. (2023). The use of assistive technologies including generative AI by test takers in language assessment: A debate of theory and practice. Language Assessment Quarterly, 20(4-5), 520-532.
Giraldo, F., & Yan, X. (2023). Planning an Online Assessment Course for English Language Teachers in Latin America. Profile: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development, 25(2), 147-164.
Sun, P. P., Yuan, B., Yan, X., & Kahng, J. (2023). Individual differences in second/foreign language speech production: multidisciplinary approaches and new sounds. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1224059.
Chuang, P. L., & Yan, X. (2022). An investigation of the relationship between argument structure and essay quality in assessed writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 56, 100892.
Dimova, S., Yan, X., & Ginther, A. (2022). Local tests, local contexts. Language Testing, 39(3), 341-354.
Lei, Y., & Yan, X. (2022). An Exploratory Study of Strategy Use on Elicited Imitation Tasks. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 917168.
Zhang, C., Yan, X., & Wang, J. (2021). EFL Teachers’ Online Assessment Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Changes and Mediating Factors. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 1-9.
Yan, X., Kim, H. R., & Kim, J. Y. (2021). Dimensionality of speech fluency: Examining the relationships among complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF) features of speaking performances on the Aptis test. Language Testing, 38(4), 485-510.
Ho, E., & Yan, X. (2021). Using community of practice to characterize collaborative essay prompt writing and its role in developing language assessment literacy for pre-service language teachers. System, 102569.
Yan, X., & Fan, J. (2021). “Am I qualified to be a language tester?”: Understanding the development of language assessment literacy across different stakeholder groups. Language Testing, 38(2), 219–246.
Yan, X., Lei, Y., & Shih, C. (2020). A corpus‐driven, curriculum‐based Chinese elicited imitation test in US universities. Foreign Language Annals, 53(4), 704-732.
Fan, T., & Yan, X. (2020). Diagnosing English reading ability in Chinese senior high schools. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 67, 100931.
Yan, X. (2020). Unpacking the processing advantage of formulaic sequences on speech fluency: Proficiency level, task difficulty, and fluency dimensions. TESOL Quarterly, 54(2), 460-487.
Yan, X., & Staples, S. (2020). Fitting multidimensional analysis in an argument-based validity framework for writing assessment: Explanation and generalization inferences for the ECPE. Language Testing, 37(2), 189-214.
Yan, X., Cheng, L., & Ginther, A. (2019). Factor analysis for fairness: Examining the impact of task type and examinee L1 background on scores of an ITA speaking test. Language Testing, 36(2), 207-234.
Park, H., & Yan, X. (2019). An investigation into rater performance with a holistic scale and a binary, analytic scale on an ESL writing placement test. Papers in Language Testing and Assessment, 8(2), 34-64.
Yan, X., Zhang, C., & Fan, J. (2018). “Assessment knowledge is important, but…”: How contextual and experiential factors mediate assessment practice and training needs of language teachers. System, 74, 158-168.
Kim, H., Bowles, M., Yan, X., & Chung, S. (2018). Examining the comparability between paper-pencil and computer-mediated versions of an integrated writing placement. Assessing Writing, 36, 49-62.
Ginther, A., & Yan, X. (2018). Interpreting the relationships between TOEFL iBT scores and GPA: Language proficiency, policy, and profiles. Language Testing, 35(2), 271-295.
Zhang, C., & Yan, X. (2018). Assessment literacy of secondary EFL teachers: Evidence from a regional EFL test. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 41(1), 25-46.
Kang, O., & Yan, X. (2018). Linguistic features distinguishing examinees' speaking performances at different proficiency levels. Journal of Language Testing and Assessment, 1, 24-39.
Fan, J., & Yan, X. (2017). From test performance to language use: Using self-assessment to validate a high-stakes English proficiency test. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 26(1-2), 61-73.
Yan, X., Maeda, Y., Lv, J., & Ginther, A. (2016). Elicited imitation as a measure of L2 proficiency: A narrative review and meta-analysis. Language Testing, 33(4), 497-528.
Banerjee, J., Yan, X., Chapman, M., & Elliott, H. (2015). Keeping up with the times: Revising and refreshing a writing rubric. Assessing Writing, 26, 5-19.
Zhang, C., Yan, X., & Liu, X. (2015). The development of EFL writing teaching and research in China: An update from the International Conference on English Language Teaching. Journal of Second Language Writing, 30, 14-18.
Yan, X. (2014). An examination of rater performance on a local oral English proficiency test: A mixed-methods approach. Language Testing, 31(4), 501-527.
Book Chapters
Yan, X. (in press). Assessment of fluency. In C. Chapelle, Z. Li, & R. Suvorov (Eds.), Encyclopedia of applied linguistics (2nd Edition). Wiley.
Yan, X., & Bowles (in press). Ethical issues in language testing. In P. De Costa & A. Rabie-Ahmed (eds), Ethical issues in applied linguistics.
Yan, X., Pan, Y., & Chuang, P. (in press). Comparing groups with multiple independent variables. In C. Chapelle, Z. Li, & R. Suvorov (Eds.), Encyclopedia of applied linguistics (2nd Edition). Wiley.
Yan, X., & Fan, J. (2022). Reliability and dependability. In G. Fulcher & L. Harding (edts), Routledge handbook of language testing. Routledge.
Yan, X., Lei, Y., & Park, H. (2022). Speech fluency. In H. Mohebbi & C. Coombe (eds), Research questions in language education and applied linguistics. Springer.
Yan, X., Kim, H., & Kotnarowski, J. (2021). The development of a profile-based writing scale: How collaboration with teachers enhanced assessment practice in a post-admission ESL writing program in the USA. In B. Lanteigne, C Coombe & J. Brown (eds), Issues in language testing around the world: Insights for language test users. Springer.
Winke, P., Yan, X., & Lee, S. (2020). What does the cloze test really test? A conceptual replication of Tremblay (2011) with eye-tracking data. In G. Yu & J. Xu (eds), Language test validation in a digital age. Cambridge University Press.
LaFlair, G., Staples, S., & Yan, X. (2019). Triangulating corpus linguistics and language assessment: Using corpus linguistics to enhance validity arguments. In J. Egbert & P. Baker (eds), Using corpus methods to triangulate linguistic analysis, Routledge.
Yan, Xun, and April Ginther. "Listeners and raters: Similarities and differences in evaluation of accented speech." Assessment in L2 Pronunciation, edited by Okim Kang, edited by April Ginther. Routledge, 2017.
Yan, Xun, Suthathip Thirakunkovit, Nancy Kauper, and April Ginther. "What do test takers say: Test-taker feedback as input for quality control." Post-admission Language Assessments of University Students, edited by John Read. Springer, 2016, p. 113-136.
Recent Publications
Isaacs, T., & Yan, X. (2025). Language Testing behind the scenes: New capabilities, groundbreaking developments, and disruptive forces. Language Testing, 42(1), 3-10. https://doi.org/10.1177/02655322241288490
Yan, X., Lei, Y., & Pan, Y. (Accepted/In press). Diving Deep Into the Relationship Between Speech Fluency and Second Language Proficiency: A Meta-Analysis. Language Learning. https://doi.org/10.1111/lang.12701
Cai, H., & Yan, X. (2024). Examining the direct and indirect impacts of verbatim source use on linguistic complexity in integrated argumentative writing assessment. Assessing Writing, 61, Article 100868. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asw.2024.100868
Cai, H., & Yan, X. (2024). Triangulating natural language processing (NLP)-based analysis of rater comments and many-facet Rasch measurement (MFRM): An innovative approach to investigating raters’ application of rating scales in writing assessment. Language Testing, 41(2), 384-411. https://doi.org/10.1177/02655322231210231
Kang, O., Yan, X., & Kostromitina, M. (2024). Fairness of using different English accents: The effect of shared L1s in listening tasks of the Duolingo English test. Language Testing, 41(2), 263-289. https://doi.org/10.1177/02655322231179134