Contact Information
707 S. Mathews Ave. | MC-168
Urbana, IL 61801
Rakesh M. Bhatt received his Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Illinois. He is now Professor of Linguistics and SLATE (Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education) at the University of Illinois. He is a former director of the Program in SLATE and associate director of the Program in South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Illinois. He specializes in sociolinguistics of language contact, in particular, issues of migration, minorities and multilingualism, code-switching, language ideology, and world Englishes. The empirical focus of his work has been on South Asian languages; particularly, Kashmiri, Hindi, and Indian English. His study, Verb Movement and the Syntax of Kashmiri (1999, Kluwer Academic Press), was published in the prestigious series, Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. He has also co-authored another book, World Englishes (2008, Cambridge University Press). He is the author of essays in the Journal of Sociolinguistics, Annual Review of Anthropology, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Lingua, World Englishes, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Research, English Language and Linguistics and other venues. Heis working on a book-length manuscript, under contract with CambridgeUniversity Press, on the sociolinguistic patterns of subordination ofKashmiri language in Diaspora.
Research Interests
Applied Linguistics: Migration, Minorities, and Multilingualism
Language Ideology, Planning, Maintenance and Shift
World Englishes; Language Learning, Teaching, and Use of Second/Non-native Languages
Heritage Language Acquisition and Use
Formal Linguistics: Indo-Aryan Syntax, Syntax of Language Contact and Language Variation
Research Description
Applied Linguistics:
• Migration, Minorities, and Multilingualism
• Language Contact and Code-switching
• Language Ideology, Planning, Maintenance and Shift
• World Englishes
• Heritage Language Acquisition and Use
Formal Linguistics:
- Indo-Aryan Syntax
- Syntax of Language Contact and Language Variation
Current Projects
- Language Contact in Diaspora
- Sociolinguistic Grammars of Bilingual Language Use
Ph.D. Linguistics, specialization in Syntax, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 1994
M.A. Linguistics; specialization in Sociolinguistics, University of Pittsburgh, 1987
NSF 3-year grant on Heritage Language grammars
Awards and Honors
NSF Grant # 0917593 Differential Object Marking in Spanish, Hindi and Romanian Heritage Speakers (co-PI with Silvina Montrul [PI], Roxana Girju [Co-PI])
Center for Advanced Study Associate Award, AY 2010/2011
American Institute of Indian Studies' Senior Short Term Research Fellowship 2004
Courses Taught
Introduction to Sopciolinguistics (Ling 450)
Language in Globalization (Ling 111)
Ling 400: Introduction to Linguistics
Ling 560: Seminar on Bilingualism
Ling 587: Code-switching: Form and Function
Ling 555: Sociolinguistics of World Englishes
Additional Campus Affiliations
Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
Professor, LAS International Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
External Links
Honors & Awards
NSF Grant # 0917593 Differential Object Marking in Spanish, Hindi and Romanian Heritage Speakers (co-PI with Silvina Montrul [PI], Roxana Girju [Co-PI])
Center for Advanced Study Associate Award, AY 2010/2011
American Institute of Indian Studies' Senior Short Term Research Fellowship 2004
Highlighted Publications
Mesthrie, R., & Bhatt, R. M. (2008). World Englishes: The study of new linguistic varieties. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511791321
Bhatt, R. M. (1999). Verb Movement and the Syntax of Kashmiri. (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory; Vol. 46). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-015-9279-6
Recent Publications
Bhatt, R. M., & Bolonyai, A. (Accepted/In press). Linguistic discreteness and its variable expressions in multilingualism. International Journal of Bilingualism. https://doi.org/10.1177/13670069241255500
Bhatt, R. M. (2024). Narratives of Displaced Kashmiri Pandits: Mobility, Diasporic Morbidity and the Chronotope of Victimhood. In Language in the Indian Diaspora: Sociolinguistic Perspectives (pp. 29-47). Edinburgh University Press.
Bhatt, R. M. (2023). Variation, Conformity, and Possibility: What WE Are. In Language Studies in India: Cognition, Structure, Variation (pp. 57-71). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5276-0_4
Bhatt, R. M., & Bolonyai, A. (2022). Codeswitching and its Terminological Other – Translanguaging. In J. MacSwan (Ed.), Multilingual Perspectives on Translanguaging (pp. 154-180). (Language, Education and Diversity; Vol. 1). Multilingual Matters. https://doi.org/10.21832/9781800415690-008
Bhatt, R., & Bolonyai, A. (2022). Multilingualism as an Object of Sociolinguistic Description. Languages, 7(4), Article 277. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7040277