Contact Information
707 S. Mathews Ave. | MC-168
Urbana, IL 61801
Office Hours
Research Interests
Linguistic Anthropology
Language of Violence
Cop Talk
Sexual Assault Discourses
Anthropology of Policing
Feminist Epistemologies
Discourse Analysis
Research Description
My research interests are in linguistic anthropology, with most of my research revolving around the language of power, sexual assault, and policing, and how these intersect in the law, broadly defined.
My work pulls from anthropology, linguistics, gender, and legal studies.
B.A. in English (Linguistics), Arizona State University
M.A. in Linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Awards and Honors
2024 C.W. Kim Research Award in Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, UIUC
2023 HFG Emerging Scholar Award, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation
2023 Summer Short-term Fellowship, Black Metropolis Research Consortium (BMRC),
University of Chicago
2023 Marianne Ferber Award for most outstanding dissertation proposal related to gender
and women’s studies, Gender & Women’s Studies, UIUC
2022 Teachers Ranked as Excellent Award for Linguistic Diversity in the US, UIUC
2022 Teachers Ranked as Excellent Award for Introduction to Lang Science, UIUC
2022 AMPRA Graduate Student Travel Award, American Pragmatics Association
2019-2022 Distinguished Graduate Fellowship in the Humanities & Arts, UIUC
Courses Taught
LING 250: Linguistic Diversity in the US
LING 100: Intro to Language Sciences